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时间:2024年12月16日 14:50 来源:济宁新闻网 编辑:张璠   阅读量:8761   

Jining, Shandong, dubbed the "Capital of the Canal", is enhancing its inland shipping prowess and bolstering its modern port and logistics industry, aiming to establish itself as a northern inland shipping center.


Jining Port, one of China's top 36 inland ports, provides direct access to the Yangtze River for 1,000-metric-ton class vessels and 10,000-ton fleets, connecting to over 50 ports including Ningbo and Chongqing, with logistics and trade extending to more than 150 cities and 16 countries.

An aerial view of Jining's Liangshan Port.

The city is developing 3-billion-ton port clusters in Liangshan, the main city, and Weishan, with 151 operational production berths, including 591,000-ton class berths and 20 multi-purpose berths for container loading and unloading. The throughput capacity of the port clusters is expected to exceed 90 million tons and 800,000 TEUs .

In the first three quarters of 2024, Jining Port achieved a cargo throughput of 7.417 million tons, a 43 percent increase year-on-year, ranking 4th among the province's ports and 1st among inland ports. The container throughput reached 298,000 TEUs, marking a 105 percent year-on-year increase.

Jining Port has set ambitious development goals for 2025, aiming to achieve a cargo throughput of more than 100 million tons and a container throughput of over 400,000 TEUs. The port and shipping industry plans to invest 3.5 billion yuan, aiming for an annual output value exceeding 100 billion yuan , solidifying Jining's role in the logistics and shipping sector.

An aerial view of Jining's Liangshan Port.


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